POSTED BY Admin on 02:44 under

Well, unofficially, torrents, find The Sims 3. An official release on June 2. Or at least what it says onWikipedia , more than me so I was forcibly documents. 
Because I do not like and do not never liked this "series" of games.

I tried several times to play it, many years ago. But I quickly bored him. Or something in the house fire, or could not hungry man / sleep / unwashed ... but there is always something. 
And generally the game was very boring. 
Even when I found a patch that shows naked men (I know, am a little kinky nerd lushing:) failed to keep me occupied for more than five minutes.

But I've done my duty and I said, maybe someone is really attracted to this game and get to raise money.To buy the official course

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